In the hospital and emotional...

Lex • 30 and TTC

I just turned 28, November 28th (golden birthday) my fiancé ruined my birthday by taking me to 2 different bars that were bad. The first bar was a sports bar with too many people and everyone was talking so you couldn’t even hear the low music. The second bar was a dead night club and he shrugged and said obviously it was dead because it was a Wednesday. THEN WHY TAKE ME THERE AT ALL?! So I walked home and cried the whole way home. The 29th was horrific for me because I was angry about my birthday being ruined and I had surgery scheduled for the 30th so I was stressed. Flipped out over and over again on everyone and everything. Then the morning of the 30th I just flipped shit the whole way to the hospital and bawled my eyes out until they forcefully sedated me. I woke up with no boobs. I had cancer in my one boob and opted to get rid of both because of my high risk of getting cancer in the other side. But now I’m more depressed than I’ve ever been. I don’t want to move. I’m so angry with my fiancé that I couldn’t have one last birthday in my own body before they sliced it up and now I feel ugly and alone. I just want to go home and not leave my bed ever again. I don’t think anyone is going to understand how I feel. But I need to get this out of my head.