Am I just a friend than a gf to him?


I'm actually 30 weeks pregnant with his child. We live together and things are not so great. He distanced himself away from me emotionally and sexually. We best ever have sex anymore. Any time I wish to touch him he rejects me . He teases me all day at times talking about taking advantage of me in bed and never does. When I tell him how I feel about it he just assumes I'm starting a fight and just takes himself away completely.

It's nothing to do with pregnancy that we have sex as some may assume. He has told me 100 times before it's got nothing to do with that but he isn't simply in the mood.

However it made me feel like shit. I went through his laptop once and found flirting messages between him and his co workers at work.

It actually killed me , I confronted him straight after in tears how could he do this

What's wrong with me. Why aren't I interesting enough ?

He stopped flirting with me along time ago and told me he dosent like it . That before it was just because we were in a honeymoon stage .. (baring in mind were only 2 and half years together)

But he flirts with other people. Which makes me heartbroken that there is seriously something up with me..

He immadietely apologised and told me things will come to a stop with her (she's married also) and he will make it up to me.

The 2 days after we had sex non stop (first time in ages ) he actually went down on me giving me oral (he hasn't done this in months)

But after the 2 days he just stopped. Any time I wanted to touch him he just went back to him old self and reject me.

It's been 2 weeks now since that time and we haven't had sex once. I try and try but he is once again making excuses.

He had his friends over this weekend, takes the tv that we only have into another room and I'm left sitting on my own just on my phone all day and night.

When I asked can I not sit with them for a while untill I go to bed cause I can't even watch a thing since he took the tv.

His response was "were just playing football" and gave me a dirty look - I knew then he is just saying basically no you can't.

This morning he woke and said his dad is having a friend over that is like a family to him that they haven't seen in 10 years. His dad invited me over the other day. But my partner actually said to me this morning "I'm going over and I won't be long "

Automatically hinting he dosent want me there.

When I ask do you not want me to come ? And hes like if u want.

And I said every time now I always have to ask you of its okay for me to go anywhere with you. It's never like you invite or actually want me there with you yourself.

And of course he stormed off saying I'm just wakened to argue with him.

I said he treats me like a friend instead of a girlfriend. And he automatically said- oh because I don't wanna have sex with you ?

I said that if he dosent want me to touch him or touch me I don't even care in not gonna force him to have sex when he clearly isn't interested.

He dosent want to cuddle me at night anymore. The only time he kisses me is when he comes home from work and it's just a peck.

We never actually full on kiss eachother anymore.

I'm just ready to give up. I'm not happy. He has changed so much and I need someone who actually shows and makes me feel like they want me , that I'm the most beautiful thing in the world .

I just feel like shit. And I'm so close to giving up . But at the same time I love this man way too much and i dont wanna bring a baby into a family that mum and dad ain't together :(

I'm struggling so much