Want to be vegan could use advice?



Hi, I’ve been vegetarian for at least 3 years now, sometimes I was a vegan but struggled with protein and making vegetables taste good. I was eating eggs the past few days but don’t like them at all. Would anyone have any ideas for protein and meal ideas. Thanks so much!

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Girl download the app meal prep pro and set your macros for a vegan diet and they have good recipes and ideas on there for a high protein vegan diet. Really if you’re not weightlifting/ working out 5 to 6 days a week you don’t need that much protein.. maybe around 46g for a sedentary woman which isn’t hard to squeeze in. One scoop of Vega one has 20g per scoop!! If you are working out maybe 70-80g of protein is necessary! If you want to build muscle you’re looking at 100+ ish g of protein.. it really depends on your lean muscle mass. Pumpkin seeds tofu Tempe Seitan beans seeds nuts protein powders edamame lentils!! Eggs are gross they’re chicken ovulation and chickens die in the same cages those eggs are laid from heat exhaustion ditch those gurl! Let’s walk this earth without causing any one thing physical harm!! Nothing deserves to die alone and scared for the benefit of humans!! You can do it!!!! I believe in u!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ *always remember to supplement b12 too it’s v important for you’re happy body!!


Ni • Dec 4, 2018
THANK YOU so much girl! Super helpful advice I will totally use this ❤️❤️🐄🐥


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As long as you’re eating a variety of veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes and whole grains and aren’t doing serious weightlifting etc then you should be getting enough protein easily :) We actually don’t need as much as people think, and most eat too much protein and not enough fibre! Higher protein plant based foods include pumpkin seeds, quinoa, chickpeas and other beans (you can buy pasta made from ‘pulses’ and they’re a great way to easily and deliciously up your protein!) Also think tempeh, seitan, tofu, edamame, rice, most dark green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and kale etc - there’s so much choice! But honestly, even a medium sized watermelon has 30g of protein so as long as you’re eating enough calories from a variety of plant sources you’ll be fine 😊High carb Hannah, minimalist baker, It doesn’t taste like chicken and Bosh are all great sources for a variety of great recipes! Give them a google and see what takes your fancy 😁


Ni • Dec 17, 2018
Thank you so much for this advice! Eating quinoa and tempeh right now. I’m glad we can get enough protein. 😀


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Hummus, almond milk, fake meats like chicken nuggets and burgers. These are my favorites that I eat every day.


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I love Pinterest for recipe ideas!