Breast to Whole Milk

My time is getting near where I’ll be making the BIG transition from breast to whole milk. 😢

My son will be one and I’m 7 weeks pregnant. This seems to be the best time for us to wean for two reasons. 1. My goal was to hit 12 months, which we are (next week) and 2. I like a fresh start with baby #2, and my doctor recommends ending soon since your uterus can contract while you breastfeed.

Anyway....I need help and advice!!!!

How did you do this transition?

How long does it take?

What are some pointers?

How will this change are bedtime routine?

My son is very good at drinking from a 360 cup since he was 6/7 months old. Should I continue giving his feeding in this cup, even for bedtime?? I hate to give him a bottle since I feel that’s a step backwards. He currently drinks water all day from the 360 cup.

1-2 months ago, I did give breastmilk in the 360 cup to see how he would react. He seem to not give me any issues, but didn’t like the taste. (He’s more of a fresh from the tap kinda guy 😜)

I’m very scared how the feeding before bedtime will go since it’s such a routine for us. Not sure if the not sucking will make him fall asleep.

He currently drinks breastmilk: When he wakes up, before each nap (twice a day) and bedtime.

If anyone can help or give me some advice, that will be greatly appreciated. I’m mixed with emotions. Happy and Sad all at the same time.