Need advice Asap

So I can't tell if I'm regular or not. I've used all these different <a href="">period apps</a> to try and find it out. I got my period dec. 16th lasted 4 days then got it 26 days later jan 11 lasted 5 days then I had sex(withdrawal he did not ejavulate in me) on the 21st. Also on feb 4th and feb 7th I had sec again same method. But still no period. I also haven't had any pregnancy symptoms. Well besides not being able to sleep much One calendar said I would get it on sat (8th) then another says I'll get it today. I read taking a hot bath with salt would bring on a late period so I did that last night and I also took some vitamin c knowing that induces periods too. I have been checking my cervix and it's Medium firm and seems a little open. CM feels wet but nothing on underwear and dries when on finger. Will I get my period?