Smart home devices/AI assistants

Ashlee • Little Miss Mini Me coming September '19

What do you guys think of them? Does it bother you knowing there's a device that's "listening" for you to say certain words? Do you ever wonder what would happen if it got hacked and all the sudden your lights were flickering on and off and the thermostat was set to 90 degrees??

Spotify sent me a google home mini for free when I renewed my subscription. The thing creeps me out. We don't have it connected to our lights or anything like that, but I just don't like that it's listening and waiting for the key words. I don't even have the "okay google" enabled on my phone because it makes me uncomfortable.

I also couldn't imagine having it hooked up to my house, controlling my lights and thermostat, even the lock on my door - no thanks. I'll stick with my archaic ways of physical keys and flipping the switch on the wall. I'm probably paranoid, maybe I watched the movie iRobot too young and it scarred me 😂