My Risk 1:81

Savannah • First time surrogate! 🍀 Boy Mom X2 & Girl Mom!

I am 17, and 13 weeks pregnant. I was woke up this morning by my doctor calling. Instantly, I knew something was wrong cause my appointment isn't for 2 or 3 more weeks.

I'm young, my risk for Down Syndrome is supposed to be astronomically low. However, mine is unusually high. Its a 1:81 chance my baby will be downs, which is roughly 1% and some change. The head measurements were normal, but my blood tests reflected high hCG levels which can mean downs.

It was scary to be woke up to that, but even if my child is Downs I will love them the same. Down Syndrome is such a large spectrum, it doesn't mean my child is profoundly disabled. Hell, its not even 100% that my baby has Downs. I'm going to get further DNA testing just to be sure so I can be educated when I bring it into the world.

I wanted to share this with you ladies, I just needed someone to hear.