Not producing any breastmilk ??

So my baby is 14 weeks old . From day one she’s had trouble latching . When she got better at it she started taking only the left side , and then slowly things picked up and she was taking both sides . I have supplemented with formula as well. Well now from few weeks she won’t take the breast At all!! She cries and cries and just won’t latch on!! It’s breaking my heart . On top of that when I pump I don’t get anything :(((( I want to give her at least some of my milk but how can I if I don’t pump anything out . I have talked to lactation consultants but nothing seems to work & help me produce more milk. I used to be able to wear those breast pads and they would be soaking with overflow but now i don’t have any at all. I have the spectra s2 pump & it’s so discouraging when I sit for like half an hour and don’t even get an ounce . Please help :( any suggestions ??