Would you be upset if husband was gone for your birthday?

Katelyn • Expecting #2 in September
So my husband sells beer and works beer festivals for his job. He likes it a lot but is gone a lot. Working beer festivals is kind of like a vacation for him because he gets free food and beer the whole weekend and works with his friends. 
Turns out there's a festival on my birthday weekend that he says he has to work. Problem is I don't think he's tried (hard at least)to find anyone to work it and he doesn't seem too concerned.
It sucks because I'll be almost 8 months pregnant, this is my last birthday before baby. I would've liked for us to do something together. As it is I'll be alone for the weekend and my birthday.
I haven't really said much because it is work, and he gets mad at me when I bring it up, but it seems like he's known about my birthday pretty far in advance, lol. Seems like he could've figured something out.
My friend is going to come spend the weekend with me so I'll have something to do, but would anyone else be upset by this? 
I don't want to come across as selfish and whiny, I guess it just hurts my feelings a little. 

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