Struggling w Patience 😭❤

Savannah • First time surrogate! 🍀 Boy Mom X2 & Girl Mom!

I am 13 weeks and 1 day pregnant, yesterday morning I was informed that my risk for my baby having Down Syndrome is 1 in 81. That's alarmingly high for my age. Why its so high, no specific reason. Today I had Cell Free DNA testing, a blood test that will give me further information on my child's possibility of having Downs.

Regardless of the outcome, I will love he/she the same. I'm just struggling with this 3 or 4 day waiting period for results. I thought I was having trouble waiting to find out the gender, but this makes me 100x more restless. I need to know if I need to run to a book store and find books on raising a special baby, though I am already certified to work with special needs children cause that's my career...raising one is different.

I just need some womanly support for the next few days til I find out the results. ❤ I will love my baby regardless, because in my eyes he/she is absolutely perfect no matter what.

Thank you for listening. ❤