
So let me give y'all the run down -

I'm 27 and pregnant with my very first bio-child. I'm already a mother, though. I've been a foster mom for about three years, and I adopted my now 18 year old daughter in June. (Humorously, my daughter is a mother to a beautiful 4 year old girl - making me a grandmother as well)

My fiance is 6 years older than me, and has two sons by his previous marriage. His boys live with us half of the week.

I believe strongly in fostering (when I got into it, I had no intention of adopting -

ha!) and recently took in a new teen placement. She has only been with us for about a week now. As you can see, I have a very busy and full household! I'm 35 weeks pregnant today, and feel every single day of it, lol. I'm still working full time at a daycare owned by my mother and her best friend.

While at work today, I received a message from my half-sister. I haven't heard much from her in a couple of years, but I knew she had had a baby boy a couple of months ago. Apparently, she is still struggling with drug issues...and they had taken her baby into custody. This baby is my nephew. I'm already an approved foster parent with an opening in my home - how could I in a million years not take him in? So, of course, it's pretty much for sure that he is coming to live with me. I will be taking care of an infant, and preparing to give birth to another!