My husband is lazy... help!!

My husband and I have been together about 10 years now, we also have an 8 year old. For the first 5 years I stayed home with our daughter and did everything; grocery shopping, baths, laundry, cooking, cleaning and pretty much everything around the house. Well when I went back to work these tasks did not change. My husband and I both work 60-80 hours a week but the difference is when I get home I don’t get to relax I’m non stop with homework, dinner, bath, cleaning , and then I get to sit down. I’ve complained for years that he doesn’t help or even notices that I need help when it is obvious. So now I’m 13 weeks pregnant and supposed to be on pelvic rest but he is still not helping with anything. I blew up on him last night because I asked him to do 4 things since his dad comes into town today and he did one of the things in 10 hours and it was completely half assed. I am so angry with feeling everything is put onto me and he offers little to now help.

Am I overreacting? Do you have a lazy husband? How do you deal with it?