Anybody else have too many nicknames for your fur babies?


My cat's name is October, we call him Tober. The poor boy must be so confused with all the crap i call him like

Toby, Tooobs, Marvin (for starvin' marvin because hes ALWAYS hungry,) Stinky, tobeans, beans, and purrin boy (because he purrs so loud)

And my dog is Chula, and i call her Chalupa, chupie, chups, chupers, chula bear, mama, little bear, chula bula, and more 😂

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Posted at
Heres my big boy,his name is rocket but his nicknames are rara,rocket smocket, rocket pocket, big bow, rocketish,and most recently wreck it rocket


Posted at
My babies are Monster, Herbie and Pickle. They all have second names too: Monster-Face, Herbie-Love and Pickle-Baby. Then Herbie is also called Herbito or Panda Bear... Pickle is Sir Eric, Picklelito or Mr Grumps and Monster is sometimes Monkey, Monkito or Baby-Face. All of them are Gorgeous, Beautiful, Snuggle Muffin or any other ridiculous term of endearment that comes to mind. None of them have a clue what they’re called. 😻😻😻I need help!


Jessica • Dec 7, 2018
Lmao! Soo cute! Ive always made a million nicknames for my animals, i need help too! Lol


Posted at
My dog is named Mae, and we call her Mae Mae, merrr, meh, bubby, bubby butt, bubba, bubs, dingus, dingus butt, red thing, stinky, Mae-donna, Cha-Mae-leon (like chameleon because she doesn’t blink her eyes together a lot), butt face, she responds to just a grunt, bubby baby, cry baby Mae Mae, Miss Mae Mae, madame, and probably more.One of my cats in named Mashed Potatoes, and we call her Mash, Potato, Tater, Tater tot, Taters, Tato, Miss Potato, fatty, fat baby, little potate, hell spawn, crazy Potato, baked Potato, little girl, angel fluff, and others. 😂


Posted at
Castiel becomes Cas, Cassie, Cassi-pie, Cassi-baby, chonky, chubby boi, chubby baby, fat boy and chonky baby.He’s a gerbil.


Jessica • Dec 7, 2018
Lmao i love it!


Posted at
My dogs name is Hank. We call him Hankers, handsome boy, big boy, hankie, handsome Hank, dumbo, sir, and yes he answers to them all(:


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Man I seriously have multiple nicknames for all my animals.This is Mack. Or Mackey, Mack-a-do, Mackums, Mack dog, fat boy.This is Grizz. Or Grizzy, Gizzy, Gizzybear, licki-licki, chubs, Chubby chubby, potato.This is Ruby. Rubes, Roober, Rubydooby, doobs, Doober , rooberdoober, doobydooby, boobie, uggy girl, lovey girl.This is Bosco. Boss, bossy, bossy boss, boss man, punkin. Also all of them are referred to as babies, doggies or shit gremlins 😂I clearly have no actual children.


Posted at
My dog Ginger is also:Ginger-Finger, or just finger, Gingie, Lazy bones, Miss piggie and Jelly Belly 😂 she loves food so my husband made this cartoon drawing of her for my birthday this year 😂❤️And a sculpture of her that he made me for Christmas ❤️Can you say spoiled? 😂


Posted at
Yup my cat is snuggly buddy, tman, tintin man, gabriel, Bucky boy, etcc... I have some weird ass names lol


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Juliet - juju, choochoo, choocher, tutu, tootie, chooch, choochie, Weiner, weiner beaner, juju weiner, NO, WHAT ARE YOU CHEWING ON?? Gemma - Gem, Dem, demma, gemmer, demmer, damn demma, dimma, gimma, deemah, demon, deemah demon, etc


Posted at
I’ve two cats. My first cat’s name is Oscar. I call him; Oz, Oscar Bosker Kitty Whisker, Handsome, the First Love of My Life My Dream Boat and Answer to all My Prayers.My second cat’s name is Chester. I call him; Chess, fluff butt, baby/babe, the Second Love of My Life and my ginger babe. Oscar has 14 years more nicknames than Chester.