She criticized my dog...🤬 (edited)


Wow, the nerve of some people... I got home from work and leashed up Denali to go for our routine morning walk and potty break. We did a couple of laps around the apartment complex then go to 1 out of the 2 dog areas the complex provides. Denali marks his territory a couple of times and does his business. The complex provides a waste disposal post, which was at the other end of the park area. I start to walk towards the post when a lady busts from her apartment and says, “You know you have to pick up after your dog, right?” I continued walking and calmly replied, “ Yes, I do know. I am walking to get a bag.” Then she says, “Is that a wolf dog? He looks mean.” I just kind of laughed because anyone that knows Denali knows he’s the biggest scaredy-cat around. But I replied, “ No, he’s a German shepherd. He’s was super sweet too.” She snorted, “Are you sureee? He looks like a wolf dog.” (By this time I was getting really frustrated) “Yes, I do know. Both of his parents have papers and I was there for his birth. He’s a really nice dog and wouldn’t hurt a fly.” I finished cleaning up and started to walk out of the park area but Denali has to sniff every blade of grass before we go. Of course this women HAS to chime in, “He’s just sniffing everything! He smells all the dog piss!” I just rolled my eyes, “Yeah, he smells everything.” THEN this woman has the AUDACITY to say, “Yeah, I cant let my granddaughters play in the grass because all these dumbasses let their dogs piss and shit in the grass.” WOWWWW, at this point I’m thinking so you stand outside for 10 minutes criticizing me and my dog and NOW you call me a dumbass for using a DOG PARK?!?!? But being the calm and collective adult I am, I simply reply with a smile on my face, “You’re right. I wouldn’t let my kids play in a DOG AREA either since it’s one of the ONLY places for them to use the bathroom!”

*side note* I’m sorry if my writing was a little confusing😬 I just wanted to clear up a few things: 1) It’s okay to not like dogs or any other animal. It’s COMPLETELY okay🙂 some people just dont🤷🏼‍♀️ 2) this post was just a rant on a lady criticizing my dog for using the restroom at 1 out of the 2 dog facilities my complex provides. 3) Denali is a well behaved boy that was leash and had complete given this lady her space (she was on her porch and we were 20-30 feet away in the park) and showed no aggressive behavior (just doing his business)

(BTW here’s my “vicious wolf dog”)