We don’t deserve dogs


I just watched dog days. If you haven’t seen it trust me you will cry. However it but something in my mind, I will never deserve the love my dog gives me. No one deserves the undying love these amazing beautiful creatures give us. We are their whole world from 8 weeks to the last second. We go to work, stores, out to dinner ect. Leaving them alone where they think they will never see us again, when a few hours seems like a few years. Our dogs love us no matter what we do I mean hell we could murder someone, come home and our dog would still love us. While I will never in my life deserve the loyalty and love my dog gives me I can promise that I will love my dog more then anything. I will spend my last dime on my dog if she needs food, or treatments or anything. One day when I have more land and time my goal is to start a rescue I mostly want to focus on the “dangerous” breeds to be their voice and be an advocate for these dogs. I will take in the dogs who are about to be put down. I will protect them because we are their voice.

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Posted at
Beautiful post! And OMG 😍 Such a beautiful picture! ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I love APBT’s, Pits, AB, Bully breeds!!! I didn’t grow up with Pits but I’ve had one for the past 12 years now. They are so precious and so different from other breeds. I will have a Pit or a Bully with me always. Most people say they are ugly dogs but I’m like a mom with an ugly baby... They are the most beautiful thing in my eyes!


Stefani • Dec 9, 2018
Omg they dog loves that little girl so much 🥰 they really are a special breed and if you show them love and compassion they will be the most loyal loving dogs anyone could ask for. The crazy thing about bully breeds is ones that are abused can actually learn to love and trust humans again. It’s actually been proven that they can even as humans we can’t do that with people who abuse us.


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Meet diesel ❤️


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My pit lab


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Our therapy dog, Harvey. We don’t deserve their endless love ❤️


Posted at
This is so sweet😭I just had to cuddle with my dog after reading this.....so true