Don't want mom there for the birth


Good morning,

Just was hoping to get some opinions.

My mother is someone who upsets VERY easily.

I just took a birthing class thru my Dr's this weekend and after learning all of the FUN stuff that's gonna happen😂, I've decided that it would probably be best for it to just be myself and my husband in the room during labor and delivery.

My mother is a caring woman but doesn't know when to stop talking, gets overinvolved, etc. And I've always have had to cave into her before. I just think in this scenario, it would be best that she's not in the room, due to the fact that it's going to be a painful and stressful situation for myself and husband and I don't want her in the way, for a lack of better terms.

Any tips? My sister also wanted to be in the room but she'll totally understand that she cant. Unfortunately I would love have my sister there, but if she was there and not my mother, it would just cause bigger issues.