Comments while pregnant


Don’t you hate when people comment on your appearance while being pregnant or is it just me?

My entire pregnancy I’ve either been told “I’m so small, you can’t tell I’m pregnant and I should be eating more” and now that I’m at the end of my pregnancy I keep getting the “holy cow, you look huge” or “look how big you are” and that’s not just in the belly way I swear people look me up and down and then say it like THE F*CK ?! Anyways it just makes me feel insecure regardless when I small and now that I’m big, I just don’t like being told I’m huge... I get that I’ve packed on the pounds but that’s not really something you should be mentioning to me... I feel like I just want to hide myself from all humans because I’m sick of hearing it from people. Literally everyone and my nerves just get going like
