6 month baby - Sleeping through the night

Layla • Arab/American Hybrid

Hello mommies with babies born in June!

I am realizing that my baby’s sleep regression (that started when he was 4 months old) has not gone away. In fact, it has become worse! He wakes up every hour or two hours throughout the night.

I am breastfeeding him

We did start purees a while back

I have the feeling that he may be relying on me to put him to sleep, I do this by letting him fall asleep while nursing.

A lot of the time he wants to nurse when he wakes up at night, sometimes just to be held and put back.

I am at a loss on how to go about training him to sleep on his own ;( nobody has been any help with advice.

I REALLY need some advice!!

I’ve tried reading on the internet and there hasn’t been anything useful ;(
