Slightly elevated glucose test

Claire • Air Force Wife ❤️ 2/21/19 💜 8/20/20 💛 Loss 4/22/23 👼 Due 4/10/24 🤰🏻

FTM here. I had my glucose test on Friday and it came back slightly elevated. They said it should’ve been under 130, and mine was 131.

My OB doesn’t feel the need to have me take the 3 hour test, but wants to discuss things at my appointment next Friday.

Anyone else go through this?

I’m feeling rather defeated. I’ve only gained 2.8 pounds and they’d prefer that I gain closer to 20. I only have about 11 weeks left, so unless I start gaining consistent weight, I’m not gonna gain anywhere close to 20. But to gain weight, I’d need to eat more carbs and such which is exactly what they’re going to have me cut out since I’m on the borderline for gestational diabetes...

Probably just hormones, but I feel completely hopeless.

Any tips or advice would be appreciated.