Feeling “off” labor close?

Jolanta • Expecting our little #1, happily married 😊

I’m a couple of days away from my due date. Yesterday I woke up with a surge of energy. I guess you can call it nesting (cooked huge meals and cleaned the entire house spotless). I was feeling great all day. Today I woke up the complete opposite. My entire body aches, I feel exhausted and out of it all day, have off and on menstrual cramping all day, feeling nauseous, loose stool and frequent bowel movements (after being backed up for days), really painful groin muscles which hurts to walk for move around. I still have yet to experience contractions though (haven’t even gotten BH this entire pregnancy and this is my first). Did any of you experience any of this right before labor? I’m hoping this means that my time is near since up until now I have had absolutely no symptoms of labor approaching.