Do you think I’m pregnant?

Hey everyone.

I need a little advice.

So my boyfriend and I are in a lovely relationship.

I’m on the pill and we don’t use condoms. (Long story and doctors suggestion) We make love often and he ejaculates inside.

I always take my pill on time 8:30am. But about 6 weeks ago I took it super late. Around 7pm. We had sex the night before and that morning. I have an app that reminds me to take it but my phone was flat. When it was charged I wrote down in the app everything so I didn’t forget. We were decided not to do anything for about 2 weeks so the pill can work again. But I have skipped a period with the pill due to a concert I had on. I’ve done this a couple of time and had no problems. But this time I had a little spotting. And about 3-4 weeks after missing the pill. I’ve been feeling really sick and thrown up a couple of time. About 3 times a week. Been turned off food. Had really sore and swollen breast, a sore back, headache and dizziness, bloated, spotting and been a little moody. ( according to my partner) 😂 he also thinks I’m peeing more but I’m not sure. but the biggest this is I’m super tired all the time. It normally takes me at least 40 mins to fall asleep but I’m out before I hit the pillow. I keep falling asleep on the couch and everything. But when I’m asleep I have keep having really weird dream. My partner and I would be overjoyed if we were expecting. We actually were going to start trying mid next year. But I’m unsure I’ll be taking a test Saturday. What do you guys think? Thanks. Xxx