Warm coca-cola saved me!


Morning sickness for me set in at around 6 weeks. I had it really bad where getting up out of the bed was a huge task. And at this point i hadn’t told my mom i was pregnant. Mostly in fear because working wasn’t a factor at the moment and i already have one child I’m trying to take care of. I went to the ER at 7weeks because i had stopped taking in liquids and was afraid of dehydration. They gave me fluids and prescribed Reglan, which did nothing for me. I finally broke down and told my mom i was pregnant and that’s why i had to go to the ER. To my surprise she was was excited! I told her my morning sickness was getting the best of me and she told me to try warm coca-cola and saltine crackers. By this point i had tried Sea-bands (which helped a little more than the reglan), Reglan, lemon, lemon water, and vitamin B6. I finally just sat and drank basically a 2liter bottle (not in one sitting). By that evening i had my energy back (caffeine). So much so that i knocked out the pile of dishes that had stacked up, swept and mopped the floor AND two loads of laundry! I’m praying that bottle will be the only one i need because i know caffeine is not good to have. But the lump in my throat feeling is gone along with the nausea so it was totally worth it so that i could get back to business! Warm coca-cola saved me!