Can’t handle it

Jasmine • Mummy to my baby boy 💘💘💘

Does anyone know how I can help me pelvic pain it’s honestly so unbearable.. to the point where I have to get my partner to help me out my socks and pants on! It hurts to lift my left up or get in and out of the shower to the point where I moan and get watery eyes😓 and for some reason if I’m laying in bed I get pressure behind as well where it hurts, takes me like 5 minutes to get out of bed cause I have to try and get off the bed and when I wake up I get up to go pee and I can hardly walk probably with my left leg cause that’s where all my pain is? The left side of my vagina and the inside of my thigh and now sorta my right leg .. and doctor said they can’t do much about it 😩37+1 plus he’s head down and engaged the midwife said