Don't take the last few weeks for granted!

Christel 💋 • Married 10/14/2017♥️ Mommy to Jace 11/25/2018💙💚

I know that you are tired and swollen and just ready to have your little baby here with you. I know you miss your old body and want all the extra weight off of you, so you can feel yourself again. You think that you will feel better if your little one comes a little bit early, right? They are only 6 weeks early, everything is developed, and the drs are saying they are a good weight!

Well, think about your baby for a minute. This sweet little guy/girl is relying on your body. They need to stay put for 40 weeks for a reason.

I was ready to have my son by 30 weeks. I was feeling miserable and just ready to get him out. Now I hate that I felt that way. I started having contractions at 29 weeks, again at 32 weeks, and by 34 weeks I was in actual labor and gave birth to him at 34 weeks 1 day.

Let me tell you what I have had to witness with my baby. I have had to see him have multiple blood draws, a feeding tube, an IV on the top of his head, and oxygen through his nose. I have had to watch as his oxygen dropped from 100 % down to 50% and my son turning blue. I have been listening to monitor alarms each time his heart rate drops to dangerous levels. He is only 18 days old and has had to go through more than most people do in their first 20 years.

I hate that he has to go through all of this at no fault of his own. I wish my body had the strenght to carry him to full term, but it didn't, and we don't know why.

He is doing good now, but he doesn't know to breath when he is eating, which is terrifying.

Their brains are not ready at 34 weeks, even if they are finished developing, they need a chance to learn the actions they will need to survive once they are born.

I didn't know any of this before he was born and I just wanted to help someone who doesn't know.

Please, don't take the last few weeks of pregnancy for granted. Your sweet baby will be here soon and they will be perfect.