Blood draw phobia-I did it!

Samantha • Mommy to my rainbow, Owen 7.25.19😍🌈

I have a really intense phobia of having my blood drawn, on top of the fact that anyone who has taken it has said my blood comes out slow or stops coming out after 1-2 vials (I have no clue why lol but convenient considering I'm already scared when I get there). But of COURSE being pregnant now I can't avoid it anymore. 😭😭😭I went in today to have it taken and I had the most understanding woman who talked to me the whole time after I noted that I often pass out. So thankful for understanding people!! I made it haha although I feel like both arms will be bruised now because she had to use both. 😩😩 anyone else have the same phobia? What helps you get through it?