On the verge of deep depression please no bashing

Jamishia • 😘😘My two loves caleb jeremie -june23,2017- Carson azariah born-september13,2018-

My husband and I moved here about 3 weeks ago he started working right away as a car salesman made the money to pay rent right the rent was supposed to be paid dec 1 that was his payday as well His job entered the wrong pay information and we never got the money it’s been two weeks and still no money and everyday we are sitting and waiting our apartment complex’s is charging $10 perday if they don’t pay him by Tommorow we will be getting evicted and since the job took so long and didn’t pay him last week like they said ,even if my husband was to give the landlord his whole check he will be 300 or $200 short and will have to wait till next week to pay the rest and by that time that would’ve doubled to 400 not to mention we owe sprint 500 next week or our phones get turned off and if he can’t sell at least three cars between today and Saturday I can pack up our stuff this week and idk where we would stay and next week is Christmas we would most likely be living out of our car or homeless shelter with two babies in the cold 😥I can’t work cause I have no car it’s a fucked up situation and I’m praying as praying but sometimes I wonder where is god I break down everyday Ladies please help I need advice or kind words