Is she coming or not?


Hi everybody!

First of all, my little one has been measuring over 2 weeks ahead for most of my pregnancy. We are both super healthy. No gestational diabetes or pre clampsia or anything. Nonstress tests have looked good and she’s passed all the tests for breathing etc....

Ok so my little one likes to stress mommy out. On Friday she decided to give us a giant false alarm which was super believable by the way. I was contracting for 14 hours straight! I started at 10pm on Friday and continued throughout the night and most of Saturday! I was so paranoid though because I was only 37 weeks that I waited until they were 5 mins apart to go to the hospital and made sure they were increasing in intensity. When we got there they monitored me for hours and hours and I only ever got to 1 cm dilated. Even though my contractions were 3 mins apart for over 2 hours before they started slowing down and ended up finally stopping. I just wasn’t progressing anymore myself so they sent me home. They refused to give me anything to help labor along because I was only 37 weeks. Ever since then I’ve been contractions on and off all day every day!

I’m now 38 weeks and have been having diarrhea for 2 days straight, spurts of exhaustion and energy on and off, and I’ve been nesting hard. The only other thing is my blood pressure spiked at my last 2 appointments (weekly at this point).

Do you think she’s coming soon?? Having a baby and being massively pregnant is stressful enough. I’ve been getting carpel tunnel so bad I can’t even use my left hand anymore throughout the day it aches so much! And I’m such a tiny person I can barely do anything myself I’m so huge! Lol! it’s just so annoying not being able to plan or expect anything. Lol I’m normally a huge planner and this is driving me nuts!