Clearblue digital advanced

Brittany • Mom of 1; dog mom of 2; wife; SAHM

So I have normally 42 day cycles since I got off BC in September. Last month I used clearblue digital and got LH surge on 26 & 27. The one before I got EWCM on 27.

This month: My husband just returned home a week ago from deployment. I had a gut feeling to take a test this morning (again I got clearblue advances digital this month) and got a peak solid smiley in the morning. I haven’t had ewcm just watery today.

I don’t usually ovulate this early seeing as its CD 17. Has this happened with anyone else? And did you happen to get a BFP after? Of course we’ve BD during the week so I’m not really worried just concerned if I spent money for no reason on the tests.