I am at a loss.

Shae • Happily married and mama to Ronan, Freyja and Scotti. 💞

Guys I don’t know what to do. My 1-year-old suddenly started a pattern of waking up earlier every morning and I feel like nothing is helping. He had such a perfect, consistent schedule. He’d go to bed around 8:30, wake up around 7:30, first nap was 10/11, second nap was 3 and repeat. Now I’m lucky if he sleeps til 6. I tried getting him back on the schedule, but he just ends up crabby all day and still wakes up early the next day even if I keep him up past 8. So I finally tried accepting this new normal and putting him down for all his naps and bedtime earlier. He fell asleep about 7:45 last night and HE’S FREAKING AWAKE. He pooped last night so I know it’s not that. He didn’t even get 10 hours of sleep. Normally he gets 10-11 hours each night. What do I do? He’s so tired and crabby all day every day I can’t even get anything done because he wants to be held constantly or I have to be right next to him and when he finally goes down for a nap I’m so pooped from when he’s awake I have no motivation to clean or get stuff done. Please tell me someone else is dealing with this! I’m so drained.

Also I don’t think it’s teething because he’s had way worse teething and still slept fine/was fairly content during the day.