To Moms with Sleepy Babies


Hi mommas. My Evelyn Faith is 5 weeks old. I can't believe how fast time has gone!!

She has been a good sleeper from the beginning. We have always had to wake her up for her feedings. She loves her sleep. Up until Monday, we had been continuing to wake her up at night to feed.

We had her 1 month appointment on Monday. At birth, she weighed 9.5 pounds, went down to 8.5 pounds, and now weighs 10.0 pounds.

Her doctor said we no longer need to wake her up at night to feed and to just let her sleep. Well, she slept for about 7 hours and went 9 hours between bottles! 😮

I felt that this was too long so I called her doctor back. He said it was fine. He said that she would make up for "missed feedings" at night throughout the day.

She has slightly upped her intake of formula at her feedings. She was drinking 3-3.5 oz every 2.5-3.5 hours. Now, she is drinking 3-4.5 oz every 2.5-3 hours. She averages 6 bottles a day.

Does any one else have a sleepy baby? Did your pediatricians give them the same advice?