Feeding struggles


My baby is 3 weeks old, i have been exclusively BF since she was born. No problems latching and I have if anything an over supply of milk. Pretty much as soon as my milk came in She has been extremely fussy and gassy. I do not know if it is my diet or my letdown I am thinking my letdown because getting her to eat it such a struggle I can see she gets frustrated as she’s eating and often fights it even though I know she’s hungry. She pops off and on my nipple the entire feeding fussing in between which makes feedings super long

Nights are the worst bc I can’t tell if she is done eating or not so I put her down and she cries and basically I go back and forth all night between her bassinet and my rocking chair to feed her :( seems like she is never ever settled after a feeding to fall back asleep

She is gaining a good amount of weight and her poops are good. She does cry a lot before pooping or passing gas and then seems to be relieved

I have given her gripe water and gas drops and attempt to burp her in the middle and after every feed and do the bicycle kicks and tummy massages too

Any advice?