Baby blues ?

So I’m 4 weeks PP and sometimes (at least once a day) I break down crying. I’m

So overwhelmed with this LO bc she’s so needy. My older two kids weren’t like this at all, and I’m just frustrated. She’s up every night from 11pm to 2:30. She constantly wants to be held on my shoulder /chest.

I’m crying and thinking “what have I done ?” Bc I could have been “free” with just my two older kids.

I love my LO so much but it’s so hard. I’m

Questioning if it gets any better. I go back to work in two weeks and I’m terrified I’ll be a walking zombie if she’s still not sleeping at all at night.

Then my husband goes back to work Monday so I can’t ask him to help at night during the week bc he gets up at 5am.

I just want to “relax” again 😞