Stable sex

This evening my husband and I went to the stables to check on our horse. As we get finished caring for him we go to turn off the lights and start making out intensely and his hand slowly goes inside the back of my pants, as I nibble on his ear I whisper close the door. 😉 we make our way to an empty stall and lay down a blanket. I slowly remove my clothes as he removes his. I lay down and he shortly follows, we begin making out again. I slowly feel something rising and growing bigger, then out of nowhere he rams his huge throbbing dick inside me and begins pounding me as hard as he can. While he pounds me his hand slowly slides up my shirt and grabs my breasts and proceeds to suck my nipple until it’s rock hard and erect. He is pouring me so hard it hurts but feels so amazing. I cum all over his big juicy rock hard cock and moan in a release of pleasure, he moans louder than he ever has before and fills me up with his warm cum. Just as he finishes we hear the barn door open and a faint hello...