TWW - 18.4 progesterone

Tiffany • 31 years old w/PCOS. Conceived a girl (born Jan. ‘17) on Clomid. Now forty weeks pregnant with a baby girl with the help of Letrozole aka Femara

So I recently got moved to Femara since Clomid wasn’t working this time to get me pregnant with baby number two. Months later and I have since been upped to Femara 5mg because the 2.5mg just wasn’t making me ovulate.

This first round on Femara 5mg, I got a positive (peak) Clearblue digital ovulation test on my cycle day 16 (Dec 4th). I have had a Peak result with these tests before, but for some reason on these, my test line would never be as dark or darker than the control line. However, this last cycle, my test line was DARKER than the control line. I had a doctor ordered progesterone blood draw done for a week later. My results showed 18.4 - which means that I definitely ovulated when I think I did.

I am currently 11 DPO and in the two week wait; I am having some pregnancy symptoms, but I am afraid of taking the test too early and being disappointed.

Just wanted to see if anyone else out there might be in a similar situation.

Good luck to you all. ✨✨Baby Dust✨✨