• 18 WEEKS OLD •

Natalie • Midwife. 29. Mama to Clea 👧🏼❤️ & Freddie 👶🏼❤️ Wife to Elliott 👰🏼❤️

This week Fletcher properly cut his first two teeth. He is now ridiculously close to rolling over but still not quite there. He’s got a bit of a cold this week too and his voice has gone all husky poor little mite 😥 still in 6-9 month clothes although I bought some bits in Asda the other day which were probably a waste of money as the vests are almost all too tight. I refuse to put him in 9-12m though at 4 months old so I’ll just boycott Asda for now instead. Sleeping has got worse but I think that’s a mixture of the teething, his cold and the 4 month sleep regression. I hope he will start getting better at sleeping again soon. He’s very good at going for a morning nap in his crib but his afternoon naps are a bit more sporadic. Also how cute did he look today in his polo and joggers. I think he looks like a little baby chav 😂 actually he looks just like what Elliott looked like when we first met 😂😂😂