FTM.. possibly too neurotic!? 😣


My girl isn’t getting her 2 month shots till Jan.6. But with Christmas next week we are finally leaving the house!! Our family is 2 Hours away and we are going for 4 nights. I am so excited to be around other people other than my husband lol. I am nervous tho because she will be introduced to each side of our families and you know everyone is going to want to hold her and a part of me wants to just hold her close and say no but the other part doesn’t want to be rude then I wonder what if I say, “you can hold her but don’t breathe on her and don’t even think of kissing her!!” That’s too much right?? I just hate that it’s flu season.. it took me soo long to finally get her and I’d feel awful if she ever got sick before her vaccinations.. how are you moms going about the holidays??