having thoughts about other guys :/

I’ve been dating the same guy since I was a sophomore in high school. I’m almost graduated now and we have been on and off for the last 2 years. But even when we were apart I still never got to experiment with other people. I made out with other guys but he’s the only one I’ve had sex with. We have been back together secretly for 4 months and I’m happy with him, but I’ve been having little crushes and thinking about other guys. I talked to him and he told me he just wants me to be happy and whatever I choose he will be okay with, but I’m just lost. I don’t want to let him go bc I’m so in love with him, but also part of me doesn’t want to stay bc we don’t see each other that often and I shouldn’t be thinking about other guys.

I have a crush on a guy who barely knows I exist rn and it would be dumb to leave my boyfriend for something that won’t even happen. So maybe it’s just a phase I’ll grow out of? I have no clue.

Leave your opinions and advice please, I need it :/