I can’t believe she’s saying stuff behind my back!


I have to vent it out.. Never thought I would but it’s getting to me and I need to share it to know if I’m wrong..

So, I had a miscarriage a day before I offered to help my mil clean up for her guests who were coming from overseas the next week. I specially flew there in my worst condition. I told her a day later because my husband constantly told me to. He didn’t want me to suffer working in pain and ‘thought’ being a woman and having gone through mc personally + taking care of my sil who went through the same, my mil might be supportive. She couldn’t have cared less in fact she gave me more strenuous chores. She constantly told me a zillion times that she wouldn’t be able to do ANYTHING for me or ‘my’ child starting not even days from my miscarriage after the guests left. This was all in front of my husband too. She specifically told me to call my mom (who lives half the world away) to help me out in ‘my’ pregnancy in the future like it was nothing to her. It hurt me a lot but I took those words as a proof of her care.

Fast forward to a year and a half, I’m finally pregnant again and going on healthy (touchwood). Now I want to throw a baby shower at my place and am waiting for my parents to be there who’re crazy about my pregnancy and my mom can’t wait for me to rest so that she could take care of me. She wasn’t there during my mc and it tore her apart knowing I was working like crazy for someone who cared a rat’s ass.

We are finally deciding on our baby shower and my husband shared it with her. She thought we’ll have it at her place so in this scenario, my mil is now telling everyone that I am taking away the pleasure of having the baby shower at her place that she wants which is exactly a month before my parents’ visit! She only talks to my husband and has barely called me to ask how I’m doing forget even talking about the baby shower despite me being there every time she needed me.

I hear this through her sister/my aunt-in-law who lives in our city. I frankly don’t even care anymore because she has hurt me a lot but she has the balls to say this to others!!

My husband and I have been discussing and he has been supportive of each of my decision but now he wants to consider his mom’s decision.

If I throw the party there, I doubt she’s going to care a dime. I’ll have to end up doing everything myself without my parents support and my parents won’t even be there because I was planning to call them a month later.

I don’t like negativity but I don’t want to do something I’ll regret of not having my parents in my most precious time. Please note that despite of everything said and done, I don’t hate my mil but I’m hoping to put myself ahead for once in my life after marriage.

What do you think I should do?? Sorry about writing a lengthy episode but I really feel tormented! So, positive comments that suggest unique options are highly appreciated. Thank you for reading.