First Trimester Anxiety


First time mom here. I know for sure I am not the only one in this boat, but just needing to vent to people who understand how stressful this all is. I am about 8 weeks 1 day today. Saw baby on a vaginal sonogram and heard heartbeat (my doctor didn’t measure it but she seemed to feel that everything was fine), but I feel “less pregnant” today and have had barely any nausea to speak of (like three days where eating was meh and I gagged like twice that’s it), and sore nipples are fine now. I’m just super super bloated by end of day. Anyway, I can’t stop reading posts and seeing how even after a heartbeat seems like so many people have experienced missed miscarriages etc and I cannot wait till my 12 weeks nuchal scan to find out if everything is ok (the. I’ll have massive anxiety about THOSE results)


how do you all cope with this??