Pregnant again.

Has anyone had 2 children before they were 20? I'm 19, my boyfriend is 21 and weve been together for years, we have an 8 month old son together, we live together in a great home, big yard, a dog who adores our son and us. It's just really perfect, I just found out I'm pregnant again a couple days ago. My boyfriend doesnt want it, I wouldnt mind having another baby, I was actually happy about it. My thing is, I'm a person who worries often what other people think. I know for sure everyone in my family/his family would look at us crazy, and so would everyone else. People I work with, strangers. Not only that but he doesnt think we can do it and he wants me to have an abortion which, I dont think I could handle. I guess I'm looking for advise from people who have had 2 or more children at a young age.