Suggestions/ Past Experiences ?


So, I wanna know if this has happened to anyone out there, and what you ladies think I should do. The last period I had was October 11, 2018. It’s December 19, 2018, and still no period. I’ve always had irregular periods (I’d be a week or two late at most.) I had a MC last year at 20 weeks (baby stopped growing at 10 and no one caught it). I’ve taken tests over the last 38 days and at first, BFN. But then I started to see a line and it started to get darker. Now, you can totally see a faint line on a FRER and the Walmart cheapie, but not the dollar store brand. It isn’t getting lighter, but it isn’t getting darker either. My symptoms are continuing and my belly is definitely getting bigger. I run an in home daycare so I rarely have anytime to myself let alone time to make a doctors appointment and actually go. (I’m not looking for comments like “don’t ask us, we aren’t doctors” so please keep those at a minimum. Just looking for someone who’s gone through something similar to let me in on what happened to them. thanks in advance girls!☺️