You have to help me! 😫 (little long!)

Ashley🦋 • [Married]💍[Mommy] 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 #girlmom [🇺🇲❤🇳🇮]

Okay so, my husband and I are traveling to Canada next week to visit his family, and usually when we go my daughter has a pack n play that his parents bought her, but its way too small, so they got her a toddler bed. She was still in her crib at our house so we decided we'll switch her over and get her used to it.

Now, I knew the first few nights would be a struggle, I was prepared for that. Our first night was a Monday, and threw Thursday I had to keep going in her room and telling her to lay back down. But, by Friday night, she didn't get out of bed once and did great for about a week and half. On a Wednesday night, she woke up at 3am and came into our room and wouldn't go back to her room, she would cry when I laid her back down. And this has been going on since, she comes into our room pretty much every night anywhere between 3 and 5am, and falls asleep instantly. But then wakes up at about 630, when before she would sleep from 830pm till about 8/830am.

My husband and I are just so tired, and I don't know what to do. Any suggestions!?!? I don't want her to get used to waking up and thinking she can just sleep in our bed. Like last night, she woke up crying (she does that once in awhile, but usually I can console her and she'll be fine.) But not this time. Both times I tried to lay her down, she cried.

Sorry for the long post, thanks for reading and any advice you can offer.