Hemorroids!! Ugh...


So ive had hemorrhoids since i got pregnant, but yesterday things took a turn for the worst.

Suddenly, and yes i mean SUDDENLY, like out of freaking nowhere, they tripled in size. So it feels like i have a grape stuck in between my ass cheeks.... 😐 not fun. And oh my god, its the worst pain ive ever experienced so far. It was so bad I went to the hospital last night, and they told me it wasn't thrombosed yet so they couldn't do anything for me.. UGH.

So I've been up all night, in and out of the bathtub taking warm baths, putting on Preparation H (which honestly at this point ISNT helping), and dozing off just so i can get woken up by my ass feeling like its being stabbed.

I got maybe 3 hours of sleep total last night, the most being asleep for an hour and then waking up in pain to make my way back to the bathtub again....

It hurts to fart, it hurts to pee, it hurts to breathe, it hurts to sit, it hurts to walk, IT HURTS TO DO ANYTHING EVEN FREAKING SLEEP.

Oh, and on top of my asshole hurting... Round ligament pain has not been my friend all night either.

Any advice on what i should do for the hemorrhoids besides the preparation h??? Im desperate for relief...