Terrified of a Miscarriage

Ashley • Mom to my Twins 🌈 👧🏼👦🏼 and Angels in Heaven 👼🏻👼🏻 Fighting PCOS One Day at a Time 🙏🏻

So here’s a little bit about my story...I just found out two days ago that I’m pregnant. I had absolutely no idea and we have been trying since July.

I had truly believed that AF had arrived on the 9th of December. I had very heavy bleeding for 2 days. Just like my period. Including clots. I had also taken Clomid in November, and thinking I was out for the month I took my 2nd round of Clomid. Well after getting two positive ovulation tests within a few days of each other I knew something was up. I scurried off to CVS to buy a cheap pregnancy test. Lo and behold it was positive. Thrilled I told my husband and I called my doctor who wanted me to get blood work the next day.

Fast forward to the next day, I woke up and went to work and noticed I was having some brown spotting. That brown spotting and very very light pink sometimes spotting has continued on into today...I also took some more pregnancy tests today (See attached photo and granted I’ve drank a ton more water since finding out.) I also got an hcg back of 125.

I’ve talked to a couple of different women and they did not have spotting with their pregnancies. Is this actually really normal? Also should I be concerned about the tests? Could they be like this because they were taken with more diluted urine I believe?

The tests on top were from two days ago. The ones on the bottom are from today.