TTC while breastfeeding a 15 month old


Hubby and I started TTC baby #2 six months ago without any luck so far. Based on my charts and opk's it doesn't look like I've been ovulating. My erratic BBT at the beginning of this cycle led me to believe I wouldn't be ovulating again this month but then Fertility Friend surprised me by popping in crosshairs.

DS is still nursing a couple times a day, before bed and usually once through the night so I'm feeling like Fertility Friend is incorrect in predicting that I finally ovulated but I'm 8dpo according to my chart and I have been nauseous since I woke up and certain smells make the nausea worse. I've also had mild cramping off and on since 4dpo. I tested this morning (I know, way too early) and it was negative, of course.

I know it's very early for symptoms but if I become pregnant this cycle my due date would be very special. It would mean baby #2 would share a birthday with my maternal grandparents, both of which have passed away, and that would mean so very much to me that it's difficult for me to not symptom spot and be hopeful.

Anyway, I just wanted to express my hopefulness and doubts here to get them off my chest. Here's hoping AF stays away and that Christmas will bring a BFP!