So AF for Christmas not a BFP


I don’t often pray that I’ll get pregnant because, after all my husband and I have been through, it’s too painful to hope and make it clear that’s what I want. But this cycle, I prayed and prayed and said all I wanted for Christmas was a positive pregnancy test. Instead, I woke up and started my period.

I thought we did everything right and I’m just so tired of this month in and month out. It feels like everyone around me is pregnant or a new mom and I was pregnant way before all of them, but with no evidence to show for that. Sigh.

We have amazing jobs, we’re financially responsible, we have a great marriage, and yet are passed up every month😢😣. I don’t get it.

Sorry to be a downer. I know God loves me and my husband but feels like he doesn’t care about this one area. I know that’s not true but it’s just how I feel this morning.