False info from nurses - HCG


So my first labs said my hcg was 400, which is low for assuming I was about 4/5 weeks at the time. They had me go back for labs 3 days later and called me with results. The nurse said my HCG dropped. I didnt ask the numbers because i was on a crowded plane on my way to a Christmas Vacation and i wanted to keep it together. Well today my lab results came through online and show my HCG was 2047... which... I mean I'm not great at math but pretty sure that's like 5 times more...

I know it's still considered low, but I've read as long as it doubles, it's fine. So... I've spent the past 5/6 days depressed thinking I was going to lose my FOURTH pregnancy of 2018.


Going to call the office in the morning, what should I say/ask?

I am demanding they start me on progesterone asap.