Should I leave? I want to

I’m transgender (female to male) and I’ve been thinking of leaving home for quite some time now.

I’m 17 and came out around a year ago to my mother. Here’s what happened.

So the night before I wrote a letter, i kept it simple and wrote stuff like “I understand if you don’t understand it” and “I am your son”. I drew the trans flag and also told her in it that I’m bisexual, I put the note behind her work bag and went to sleep really nervous. In the morning I woke up to my mother crying to my step dad saying “where did I go wrong?” And stuff like that, then I heard the door open and my mother comes in and cuddles me, crying her eyes out, I pretended to still be asleep. After she came home from work she and my step dad sat me down in my room and long story short they told me that I’m just confused and it’s just hormones and when I’m 18 they’ll see how I feel. (Note, I’ve known since I was around six but didn’t know what it was called or was a thing until I was in high school)

Since then, she pretended like it never happened and asks me every now and then “do you think that you’re a boy?” And I always answer yes. Always silence after that.

Ever since then she never lets me get my hair cut (before I came out she let me have short hair) tries to force me in heals and dresses, secretly got rid of a pair of shorts I used to wear because she said that they “looked boyish”

I feel like she emotionally abuses me.

(And I recently found out she has a problem with gay people even though she says she accepts them.)

I came out to my friends before I came out to my parents, they gave me nothing but acceptance and love (and their parents too)

I’ve been talking to them about wanting to leave home and they said I’m welcome to stay at theirs.

Am I being childish for leaving or am I in the right?

Should I leave or stay?