So scared :'(

Nicola • Married. 29 years old. Mmc at 11 weeks July 2015 and mc at 4+3 weeks Nov 2015. Pregnant with baby girl due 30.07.17 ♡♡
Since my miscarriage 5 weeks ago things haven't been right down there. I had a scan 2 weeks after my miscarriage as I was tender on my left side but they said everything looked ok apart from small cyst on ovary but it was so small they weren't worried. 2.5 weeks later I'm getting pain where my left ovary is - it hurts when I go to the toilet, walking, sneezing, coughing...any movement really! My uterus area feels sore, heavy and tender all over and hurts when pressed. This started up after I started my first AF after my miscarriage. Itst getting worse. I'm scared I've got pelvic inflammatory disease or a ruptured ovarian cyst and my fertility will be affected. ..I only ovulate from my left side so if my ovary needs removing ill be left infertile. I've got another scan tomorrow to check it out. Feeling sad and scared :'( I want a baby so much xxx