My bf and unplanned pregnancy

I need some help. Yesterday I found out I am pregnant. My bf had been out of town & I was finally able to tell him in person tonight. He was very stunned, but calm and thoughtful with his words. We talked for about 30 minutes before he told me he needed time to process things and would call me later (I expected this as he needs space to deal with things). Seeing him panic but trying to remain calm broke my heart. Later after crying myself to sleep, I woke up to a lengthy text from him talking about how much he wants to be with me, but he is panicked and fully supports me getting an abortion (I had an abortion many years ago. We had never talked about it until our convo tonight— “Have you ever been pregnant before?” “Yes” “I don’t see any kids running around so did you have an abortion?” “Yes”. —that was the extent of it.) But I know I can’t do it again. There’s a scene in Sex and the City where Miranda asks Carrie how long before she felt back to normal after her abortion and Carrie replies “Any day now”. That’s been me for years. I will sit him down and explain to him why I can’t and won’t go through with why abortion is not an option, but I also didn’t expect the rest of his response. He mentioned something about not being “financially, mentally, and physically in a position to have a baby” which actually made me LOL because we are in our 30s, we both make close to 6 figures each and he is a professional athlete so I know it’s the panic talking. He won’t leave, I’m not worried about that. I just don’t want him to always feel remorse.

Anyone have any experience on how to help him through it or any stories of them coming around?